Computational Mathematics and Optimization (ISSN: 0972-9372) Index To Volume 3(2007) |
Heydari, F., Azizi, N. and Ghahremanian, A.: Solving The Ad Hoc Wireless Sensor Network Localization Problem with Sum of Squares Method , 9 Jain, A.: see Ganesan, M., Jain, A. and Bhattacharya, P. Jung, S.-M. and Lee, K.-S.: Hyers-Ulam-Rassias Stability of Linear Differential Equations of Second Order, 193 Khelifi, A: On an Inverse Problem in Obstacle Scattering , 99 Kohaupt, L.: Construction of a Biorthogonal System of Principal Vectors for the Matrices $A$ and $A^{\ast}$ with Applications to $\dot{x}=A\,x, \; x(t_0)=x_0$ , 163 Lee, K.-S.: see Jung, S.-M. and Lee, K.-S. Mirnia, K.: see Ardabili, J.S. and Mirnia, K. |