Journal of
Computational Mathematics and Optimization
(ISSN: 0972-9372)

Index To Volume 3(2007)



Ardabili, J.S. and Mirnia, K.: Support Set Expansion Sensitivity Analysis for General Linear Optimization , 19

Ardabili, J.S. and Mirnia, K.: Tetra-Parametric Optimal Partition Invariancy Sensitivity Analysis for General Linear Optimization , 77

Azizi, N.: see Heydari, F., Azizi, N. and Ghahremanian, A.

Bhattacharya, P.: see Ganesan, M., Jain, A. and Bhattacharya, P.

Crnkovi\'c, D.: An Algorithm for Computing the Full Automorphism Group of a Matrix , 153

Ganesan, M., Jain, A. and Bhattacharya, P.: VDFA and Decision Properties of Regular Languages , 107

Ghahremanian, A.: see Heydari, F., Azizi, N. and Ghahremanian, A.


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