(ISSN: 0972-5954) Index To Volume 2(2004) |
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Dasht, J.: see Bystr\"{o}m, J., Dasht, J. and Wall, P. Diagana, T. and N'Gu\'{e}r\'{e}kata, G.M.:On the Bohr-Neugebauer-N'Gu\'{e}r\'{e}kata Theorem, 1 Diagana T.: see Basu, S., Diagana T. and Ramaroson R. Ebadian, A.:Compact Endomorphisms in Lipschitz Algebras of Finitely Differentiable Functions, 11 Garc\'{\i }a-Raffi L.M. , Romaguera S. and P\'{e}rez E.A. S\'{a}nchez: Weak Topologies on Asymmetric Normed Linear Spaces and Non-asymptotic Criteria in the Theory of Complexity Analysis of Algorithms, 125 Hayashi, N., Kaikina, E.I. and Naumkin, P.I.: Damped Wave Equation with a Critical Nonlinearity on a Half Line}, 95 Jain, P.K., Kaushik, S.K. and Vashisht, L.K.:Some Results in the Theory of Frames in Banach Spaces, 39 Kaikina, E.I.: see Hayashi, N., Kaikina, E.I. and Naumkin, P.I.
Kaushik, S.K.: see Jain, P.K., Kaushik, S.K. and Vashisht, L.K.
Liu, Y. and Wang, Z.:The Commutant of the Multiplication Operators on Sobolev Disk Algebra, 65