Journal of
Algebra and Applied Mathematics
(Formerly JADS & JOCMO)

(ISSN: 2319-7234)

Index To Volume 18(2020)



Lee, K.-S.: see Jain, A., Petalcorin, G.C. Jr., Shum, K.P. and Lee, K.-S.

Leung, H.H.: see Aldhuhouri, F.A.M.A., Al Obeidli, M.M. and Leung

Petalcorin, G.C. Jr.: see Jain, A., Petalcorin, G.C. Jr., Shum, K.P. and Lee, K.-S.

Pianskool, S. and Khachorncharoenkul, P.: Ideals of $\Gamma$-seminearrings, 115

Ryoo, C.S.: Symmetric properties for generalized $(p,q)$-Euler zeta function and $(p,q)$-Euler polynomials, 57

Ryoo, C.S.: see Lee, H.Y. and Ryoo, C.S.

Solekhudin, I.:Dual reciprocity method for steady diffusion-convection problems, 85

Shum, K.P.: see Jain, A., Petalcorin, G.C. Jr., Shum, K.P. and Lee, K.-S.

Yun, Y.S.: Parametric operations for two 2-dimensional trapezoidal fuzzy sets, 27

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