Journal of Analysis and Applications 

(ISSN: 0972-5954)

Executive Editor : Sapna Jain                                                  



The language of the paper should be English only.

Manuscript in LaTeX format may be submitted electronically along with the Tex and PDF files directly to the Executive Editor Sapna Jain or Managing Editor Arihant Jain.

The manuscript will be edited according to the style of the journal and the authors must read the galley proofs of the edited version carefully and return them within 3 days. Should the proofs not arrive in the prescribed time, the editors reserve the rights to publish the article with editors correction.

The manuscript must be typed in double space on one side only. A research article should comprise of the title, followed by AMS 2020 Subject Classifications and Keywords, author(s), affiliation(s) of authors and an abstract of about 100 words. 'End of proof' should be indicated by the halmos . References at the end of the manuscript should be arranged alphabetically; citation of reference in the text should be indicated by square bracketed numbers, e.g. [1].                

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1-10 pages(final printable pages in journal format) USD 920
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