(ISSN: 0972-5954) Index To Volume 5(2007) |
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Harjulehto, P., H\"ast\"o, P. and Koskenoja, M.: Properties of Capacities in Variable Exponent Sobolev Spaces , 71 H\"ast\"o, P.: see Harjulehto, P., H\"ast\"o, P. and Koskenoja, M. Koskenoja, M.: see Harjulehto, P., H\"ast\"o, P. and Koskenoja, M. Kwon, M.: Modified Hankel Operators on Bergman Space , 93 Marques, J.D.: Approximation in Vectorial Inner Product Spaces , 201 Matsuura, T., Al-Shuaibi, A., Fujiwara, H. and Saitoh, S.: Numerical Real Inversion Formulas of the Laplace Transform by using a Fredholm Integral Equation of the Second Kind , 123 Murugusundaramoorthy, G.: On Subclasses of Starlike Functions
with Two Fixed Points , 99