Journal of Analysis and Applications
(ISSN: 0972-5954)

Index To Volume 22(2024)



Kang, J.Y.: Several differential equations for Genocchi polynomials combined with trigonometric functions, 1

Kassou, F.: see Bouhlal, L., Lamdouar, N. and Kassou, F.

Kim, M.S.: Family of matrices for polynomials used in artificial neural networks, 107

Lamdouar, N.: see Bouhlal, L., Lamdouar, N. and Kassou, F.

Petalcorin, G.C., Jr.: see Jain, A., Jain, S. and Petalcorin, G.C., Jr.

Petalcorin, G.C., Jr.: see Jain, A. and Petalcorin, G.C., Jr.

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